Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Taking a rest day today. Legs feel good, but only 5 days till race day and I want fresh legs on Sunday. So I'll run Wednesday and Friday and that will be it till race time. I'm excited for this race. My first Mother's Day race. Should be a lot of fun. After all, I am running for my children:)


BeachRunner said...

Enjoy the day.

The Laminator said...

Have a good race on Sunday! I'm planning on coming out to the park and cheering!

LIrunner9 said...

Thanks Lam!!

That's cool. If I lived in the city I would go to every race. Run some and cheer some on. I am volunteering on June 7th, the 10k women's mini, so that should be a lot of fun:)

robison52 said...

I love your background music! Weekend was very busy for me and forgot to play with my soundtrack. Oh well, I'll try again next weekend.

LIrunner9 said...

Thanks Bruce!!

My kids like Curious George and I thought it was appropriate as I've nicknamed my Garmin's vertual trainer "George". LOL