Monday, March 31, 2008


Well, I planned to run today, but had a bunch of errands to take care of in the a.m., now that the girls are back in school. YEAH!! Figured I would run after I dropped Allie off at school in the PM, but by then it was cold and rainy, and since I've run 3 straight days, I decided to take the day off and not suffer the cold and rain.

But, I'll be out there tomorrow. YEAH, kids are back in school!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008


40 degrees, sunny blue skies, beautiful day for a run

Distance: 3.0
Time: 31:26
Avg pace: 10:29
Calories: 288
Avg HR = 129 Max HR = 150

splits today were:
Mile 1 - 10:58 150bpm
Mile 2 - 10:21 144 bpm
Mile 3 - 10:06 149bpm

Awesome run today. I know, didn't stick to HR, but it felt sooo good. I really wanted to just go out and run. I never loooked at the HRM. I wanted to focus on form and having a quick turnover rate. Considering I really uped the pace, my HR never really went above 75%, so that's a positive:) But I'll be back to the slow and steady tomorrow.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


40 degrees, sunny blue skies, beautiful day for a run
Distance: 3.03
Time: 39:13
Avg pace: 12:56
Calories: 250
Avg HR = 129 Max HR = 138
splits today were:
Mile 1 - 12:24 129bpm
Mile 2 - 13:18 132 bpm
Mile 3 - 13:07 129bpm
164 ft - :23

run felt good today. Nice and slow. Even with the hills, I was able to keep the HR low:) I like this training as it enables me to run every day. But we'll see if it helps with my race on April 20th. Time will tell. In the long run, I know I am building my aerobic base.

Friday, March 28, 2008


Was able to get out and run today because my Dad babysat the girls. Thanks Dad!!!

I broke out my "training for endurance" book by Dr. Phillip Maffetone today. I used it when I was training in 2005. I really believe in the low heart rate training system, and I just want to get back on track. This helps me to be able to run every day, and that is what I want:)

So, MAF training uses the formula 180 - age. So, 180-43 = 137 and there is a chart that say add or subtract based on your ability. I am subtracting 5 more, since I am starting over from scratch (basically meaning I haven't been doing exercise/running consistently for 2 years). So, now my heart rate that I DON'T want to go above is 180-43=137-5=132

Today's run I kept to the above philosophy. Wasn't as slow as I thought. My records show when I did this in 2005 I was running at about a 16minute pace to start. And by the end of the 3 months of training, I was running about a 9:30 - 10:oo minute pace at this low heart rate. Back then it was 180-40 = 140 I didn't deduct 5 back then because I had been doing stuff at the gym and felt in pretty good shape. Today was slower than my runs have been so far this year, but not by much.

Weather- 46 degrees and gray skies. Rain in forecast, but didn't rain during run:)
Distance: 2.01 miles
Time: 25:39
Avg pace: 12:45
Calories: 169
Avg HR: 126 Max HR: 138

My splits were as follows: (only ran 2 miles today)
Mile 1 - 12:21 avgHR 126
Mile 2 - 13:06 avgHR 127

I really want to stay below 132, but if it creeps up, at least I'm still below 137. But I'll work on it, but hard to do in my neighborhood with all the hills. But when I started back in January, my HR would shoot up to 165, running the same route, so at least I know I'm doing something right. I can run it now, and not go over my average:)

I plan to do this program, building my mileage up weekly for 12 weeks, and then go right into John Parkers 12 week Advanced program to train for the Staten Island Half on September 14th!! I realize that during true MAF training I shouldn't be running races, but I have to do my 9 races, and I'll see how it affects my overall numbers. But it will be great training for when I start basebuilding for the marathon starting in October. Can't hurt to have a little practice. As they say, practice makes perfect. I want to get all the kinks worked out now!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Another forced rest day due to no babysitter:( I will be running on the treadmill at the gym tomorrow and putting the kids in the daycare! I couldn't do that today, as the morning was swamped with committments and the gyms daycare hours are only open until Noon.
I can not wait till kids are back in school on Monday!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Tuesday, March 25th and Wednesday, March 26th taken as rest days.
Tuesday was a scheduled rest day. Today, was NOT. I just couldn't find a babysitter for the kids; they're home on school break. I will get out on the road tomorrow!!

Monday, March 24, 2008


41 degrees and blue skies and sunny. Just beautiful out. Spring is here and now the weather is starting to realize it too:)
44:20 minutes
4.07 miles
10:55 pace
371 cals
140 AVG HR 153 MAX HR

splits were as follows:
Mile 1 - 11:19 131 AVG 139 141 MAX
Mile 2 - 10:40 140 AVG 148 149 MAX
Mile 3 - 11:09 145 AVG 152 153 MAX
Mile 4 - 10:31 144 AVG 150 153 MAX
344.1ft - :41
Run felt good. Really seeing improvement in my HR. For most of this run, even with hills, my HR was way below my 70%. I didn't speed up that much, but I know I could have and it would have still stayed under 70%. Training is progressing nicely!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Temperature was about 46, it was gorgeous. Not windy at all, and just nice and warm. I actually had to take off my gloves. I ran later in the day than usual, but being the day before Easter, we had the Easter Egg Hunt at the club in the morning, then brunch with my parents since we'll be with my husbands family this year for Easter Sunday.
54:09 minutes
142 AVG HR 167 MAX HR
4.77 miles
11:21 pace
456 cals
splits were as follows:
Mile 1 - 11:00 138 AVG 143 154 MAX
Mile 2 - 10:39 148 AVG 137 156 MAX
Mile 3 - 11:56 147 AVG 139 169 MAX
Mile 4 - 11:15 140 AVG 143 158 MAX
.77 - 9:17 140 AVG 143 158 MAX

Run felt really good today. I was going to go out my usual run, which till now has been going out 1.5 miles and coming back. But I wanted to increase it to going out 2, and coming back, for a total of 4 miles. But decided instead of coming back, I was just continue and complete the 4.5 mile loop. There were some hills, but nothing too bad, and I didn't have to stop. My HR was a little higher today than I intended, but it went down just as fast as it went up, so I was pleased. I haven't run this far yet, since I started in January, and it was amazing. I had no stitches and the legs felt strong:)

Tomorrow is Easter, so probably taking the day off. Will be back on Monday!

Friday, March 21, 2008


Centerport, NY
As of 11:53 AM EST
FairHigh 45 Low 30
Wind: From theNorthwest at 17 mph
Humidity: 32%
Barometric Pressure: 29.99 and Falling
Had a great run today. Used my Garmin's vertual partner for the first time, and set it to complete 3 miles in 30 minutes. Why I decided to do this today, God knows. Winds outside were fierce. LOL But I did it!! The VP beat me by 33 seconds!!
Using the Garmin was cool!! It definitely kept me moving. That is why I said today's run was a tempo run. I am going to try to do this once a week, and run run at race pace (or close), to get my legs used to running at race pace.
30:45 minutes
150 AVG HR 166 MAX HR
3.02 miles
10:12 pace
In zone 9:11 above zone - 21:59
232 cals

splits were as follows:
Mile 1 - 10:12 147AVG 150 158 MAX
Mile 2 - 10:42 148 AVG 139 152 MAX
Mile 3 - 9:39 155 AVG 150 166 MAX
Overall, the run felt great. Legs just took off. No pain in the calf at all. Did get a stitch, but ran through it, and it was hard running against the wind, but I'll get used to that!! But I liked my time. Since using the Garmin, my times have been slower, because I wasn't accurately running the correct distance. So now I know I'm running 3 miles, and my speed is increasing.
Tomorrow, I will be back to running under my 70% threshold:)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Temperature - 46 degrees,
38:53 minutes
128 AVG HR 142 MAX HR
3.0 miles
12:57 pace
In zone 38:53 - was in my zone the whole time. Stayed under 70%!!!!
243 cals
splits were as follows:
Mile 1 - 12:42 130AVG 133 142 MAX
Mile 2 - 13:04 130 AVG 126 139 MAX
Mile 3 - 13:05 130 AVG 126 139 MAX
Really nice run in the rain today. Kept it nice and SLOW. Stayed under 70% the whole time. Legs felt GREAT!!
But I had a stich/cramp the WHOLE time. Never walked, ran through it, but could not get rid of the stitch/cramp:( I really have to be aware of what I am eating. I ate my husbands chicken cutlet sandwich, about a half hour before I went running. Morning was hectic and never had breakfast, and then gulped down the sandwich. I'm sure that caused the cramps, but I really need to figure out what a runner should be eating. LOL Not too mention, I know I need to drink more WATER.
But over all, a great run!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Todays my 43rd Birthday:)

Temperature said 40 degrees, cloudy, no sun. Cold at first, but I warmed up quick once I was running:)
35:06 minutes 138 AVG HR 156 MAX HR
3.0 miles
11:42 pace In zone 25:28 above zone 9:23 below zone 1:72 seconds
241 cals
splits were as follows:
Mile 1 - 11:19 132AVG 153 154 MAX
Mile 2 - 11:43 149 AVG 141 156 MAX
Mile 3 - 12:03 135 AVG 122 150 MAX
Took a different 3 mile route to test how my endurance really is. It felt great! Legs felt great. I really think changing my shoes did the trick with my 'calf issue'. Only thing was, I didn't realize that most of the route I chose to run today would be uphill. LOL I decided to leave right from my house. I went down my hill and out to the main road. I drive that road every day and never realized there was an incline. LOL The last mile of the run, was my usual last mile, so that was nice and flat and a little downhill. But half of the 1st mile of todays run was up and incline and all of the 2nd mile. It was a nice 3 mile loop. But I was pleased with my heart rate. It would go up, but then come right back down. So much for wanting to stay under 70%, but all and all I'm happy.

Monday, March 17, 2008


I'm Irish and I'm taking a rest day to be with my girls, who are a little under the weather:(

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Had an ok run today. Used the Garmin again and ran 3 miles. Had a stitch in my side for most of the run, but legs/calf felt great. Go figure.
Splits were as follows:
Mile 1 - 10:46
Mile 2 - 11:04
Mile 3 - 11:41
I didn't mark the splits on my polar, so I don't know what my HR was per each mile:( But my AVGHR was 139 and my MAXHR was 154

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Well, here is my picture crossing the finish line af the NY Colon Cancer 4Miler!! You can even see my brother John (dressed in Black) behind me. We ran the race together, but I sprinted at the end. Way to go partner! We did it!! One race down, MANY more to go!! Thanks for sharing this experience/journey with me!! You too John B and Tommy La. And of course my wonderful husband, for being SO supportive. I know soon honey, you WILL be out here running with us!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Had a really nice 3 mile run today. I used the Garmin and actually hit my splits based on what IT said, not my polar or the nike+ LOL The latter two aren't too off, but they weren't accurate. So, I can officially say that I ran a full 3 mile training run today for the first time. LOL
And, it was great! I didn't really feel anything in my calf. Running with the new shoes and walking in the other shoes, seems to have fixed my problem. I will be very careful to change my shoes when it's needed next time!!!
Time: 35:51
Distance: 3.0 miles
AVG HR 137 MAX HR 148
AVG pace 10:54
Cals burned - 234

oops, I'll be back time to pick up my little one from school.

My splits were as follows:

Mile1= 11:46 AVGHR 130 138 MAXHR 146

Mile2= 11:52 AVGHR 141 144 MAXHR 147

Mile3= 12:12 AVGHR 139 143 MAXHR 148

Majority of the HR stayed in the zone (35:12). below zone for :27 seconds

I'm really happy with how todays run went. I really think the new shoes was the problem. Tomorrow I will run on the elliptical machine at the gym, and see if I can incorporate that as a cross training. In the past I haven't liked the elliptical, but I'm willing to give it another try. I'd like to get to the point where I am running 4 days a week, but right now, until I am 100% sure this calf issue is OVER, I will run every other day to ensure good recovery.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I was going to run today, but decided to take a rest day. I can feel my calf when I walk. It's not sore, but it's there!! I've been using a really old pair of sneakers as my everyday walking shoes. I think it's time to retire them. So, today, I tossed them in the bag to go to good will.
I will now use the sneakers I've been running in that have 300+ miles on them, as my everyday walking shoes.
And, starting tomorrow I will be running in my other 'new' pair of Asics, that I've had for a long time, but they have been patiently waiting on the shelf waiting their turn, with no miles on them!!
I am hoping this will solve my calf issue. New running shoes, and better shoes to be walking around in.
Wish I could figure out how to use the 'equipment' part of To really keep track of how many miles go on my shoes. I used to track it in my log on, but that site is no more:(
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Temperature said 47 degrees, but felt cold (windy), but warmed up as I ran.
25:07 minutes
130 AVG HR 144 MAX HR
2.3 miles
10:40 pace
In zone 24:25 below zone :42 seconds
150 cals
splits were as follows:
Mile 1 - 11:05 128 AVG 130 144 MAX
Mile 2 - 10:10 133 AVG 134 141 MAX
.3 - 3:50 133 AVG 131 137 MAX

Crazy morning. Kids had me up all nite, then helped Becca finish her community project, and rushed off to school. So, didn't get my run in until 1:57pm. But I got it in and it was a very easy 2.3 mile run. I could feel the calf, but it never hurt. Felt ok. Well, training has now officially begun for my next race - April 20th; the Adidas 4Miler in Central Park.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


forgot to post the actual results from the webpage. See below:
Race name, date Colon Cancer Challenge 4M, March 9, 2008
Weather: 32 deg., 43% hum., W 14 MPH
Finisher's name: Joanne Evangelist
Gender/age: F42
Distance (miles): 4.0
Net Time: 39:14
Pace Time: 9:48
Overall Place: 1716
Gender Place: 704
Age Place: 63
Age-Graded%: 51.5%
Taking another rest day today. Kind of forced to as I have a ton of things to do for my girls with school and Brownies today. But, although it's not sore, I did feel achiness in the right calf when I woke this morning, but again it was gone by the time I dropped kids at school.

But one more day of rest can't hurt. It's a good thing, no??? LOL

Monday, March 10, 2008

Woke up this morning and felt GREAT!! Other than the normal aches and pains of waking first thing in the morning, my body feels great!!

I am taking today off just to be sure, so today is a REST day!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

OMG, the race was just AMAZING!!! My calf was not an issue at all, and I did better than I thought I was going to do. My goal was to beat a 10minute mile, and I DID!!!!!!!!!!! crossed the finish line at 39:14; a 9:48 mile! YEAHHHHH I was soooo excited I forgot to turn off/end my nike+ so that info isn't quite accurate. Though the extra mileage can't hurt for the Tinkoff 200 Challenge:) LOL

My splits were as follows:
Mile 1 = 10:08 AVG HR 156 MAX HR 171
Mile 2 = 9:35 AVG HR 161 MAX HR 167
Mile 3 = 10:09 (only because I stopped, briefly, for water) AVG HR 166 MAX HR 174
Mile 4 = 9:22 AVG HR 169 MAX HR 180

I'm rushing to get to the St. Patrick's Day parade in my town, as my little one is a Brownie and is marching. But I wanted to get this posted quickly, will come back on later and write about the awesome experience!! I can not explain how HAPPY I am!!!
Well, parade was great. Rebecca walked with her Brownie troop about 3 miles. Not too shabby for a 7 year old!! Maybe she'll be running a race with me some day!!
Well, back to my race. I met John at 6:45, we drove into NYC, got there by 7:30, hung out in the car cause it was COOOOLLLLLDDDDD!! Got our bibs, used the porto potty, and I have to tell you, it was nice. I was the first one in there and it was CLEAN!!! LOL Then we went back to the car to hang and warm up until about 8:30ish and then made our way to meet another John B., and make our way to the start. We lined up at the 10 minute marker (corral), and waited for the gun to go. Probably took about 5 minutes to cross the start. Then we were off. The first mile went up a hill (called cat hill), I was joking with John B. when he told me this was the hill. I said you have to be kidding. You should train with me in Centerport. THOSE ARE HILLS. So it was nice to know that the hills in Central Park were like nothing:)

We paced ourselves for a 10min mile as not to go out too fast. At the one mile John B. (who runs faster than me and my brother John) went on ahead, and Johnny and I stayed together till the end. It was great. I ended up over dressing a little because waiting for the race to begin was SOOO cold. But it wasn't that bad. I didn't get overly hot, but I was warm. But it didn't seem to affect my running. I was still able to push it. It was fun, pretty much the whole way were were passing people.

And thankfully my right calf didn't bother me. I could feel it, but it never was an issue. We passed the first water station at Mile 2 and continued on. Then at Mile 3 (next water station), I said want to get a drink and John said sure, and we stopped (briefly) for water. I was concerned that if I stopped my calf would tighten up, so I jogged slowly while trying to drink. LOL thankfully I didn't choke. LOL Then we were back on stride and I really felt great, so I pushed it for a bit. I then could feel my calf, so I slowed it down, cause we still have about a half mile to go. With probably 300 meters to go, I gunned it and sprinted in to the finish. It was awesome. I was passing people. Felt good.
So, eventhough I gunned it at the end, the highest I saw my HR was 180. I wasn't completely spent. Felt like I could have gone further, so I doubt 180 is my max. Too bad there wasn't a hill at the end. LOL

All in all it was a wonderful experience and race. I can not wait for the next one on April 20th!!! I am hooked. I will definitely run a few more races, then my original planned 9 races. That is, once the weather gets warmer. LOL
So, I set a goal to beat the 10 minute per mile mark, and I did it!! One race down, many more to go!!!

the official report on the race from

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Well, today is definitely a REST day!!!
Woke this morning and have minor ache in my right calf. Doing the stair stretch carefully and slowly causes NO pain at all. I've iced it twice already and keeping it elevated. Well, at least I don't have major pain like when I was running yesterday!!
Here's hoping I can at least jog the race tomorrow, but, it is my first goal, in a line of many to get me to the November 2009 NYC Marathon, so if I have to walk tomorrow race, so be it. Just want to make sure this calf heals itself.

Till tomorrow....

Friday, March 7, 2008

Temp said 43, but it felt chilly, but not bad once I was running!

Sleep was horrible. Both kids had me up several times, but when I woke, my RHR was 53, so I decided to get my run in after dropping kids at school. Run today went ok, but had to stop at 2.5 miles. I've had a nagging ache in my left calf, which never amounts to anything and when I feel it, it is mostly after my runs when I'm walking around or after I wake int he morning. Well, today during my run at about mile 2 my RIGHT calf started hurting, so I slowed my pace and kept going. I finally had to stop and strech it. Hurt, but not that bad. Well, by 2.5 miles I was getting a pain in my right calf I have never felt before. Sharp! So I stopped and walked the rest of the way home. Walking did not bother it. Went home iced it every hour for 10 minutes, 5x. I can not believe this is happening as my race is only 2 days away. Obviously taking a rest/ice day tomorrow and praying!!!! Temp said 43, but it felt chilly, but not bad once I was running!

My splits were as follows: Time 24:38
Mile1= 9:22 AVGHR 135 MAXHR 148
Mile2= 9:19 AVGHR 146 MAXHR 155
.5 = 5:57 AVGHR 144 MAXHR 152

Wow, can't believe race day is only 2 days away. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Rest day!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Run today went better. It was around the same temp, but windy and no sun. Looked like rain, but never did:) I wore a sleeveless coolmax shirt and a rain shell. Felt good. Not too cold, not too warm.
My splits were as follows:
Mile1= 10:05 AVGHR 137 MAXHR 150
Mile2= 9:53 AVGHR 143 MAXHR 151
Mile3= 10:02 AVGHR 143 MAXHR 150

Over all felt great! Can't believe only 4 more days till my first race. I'm soooo excited. Weather has been great. Though they are calling for possible snow Saturday, but beautiful, warm and sunny on Sunday, the day of the race. Sooo, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and getting in my training!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ok run today. It was HOT, 56 degrees, and I didn't dress appropriately:( Now I know if it is above 30 degrees, I can not wear a jacket. or at least not a jacket over a long sleeved shirt. Think I would have done fine in a short sleeved shirt alone, but still experimenting with the weather!
Because of the heat, my HR was up, so I just ran. It really didn't go that high, so....
My splits were as follows:
Mile1= 10:25 AVGHR 150 MAXHR 168
Mile2= 9:26 AVGHR 140 MAXHR 152
Mile3= 9:28 AVGHR 143 MAXHR 151

At the end of the run I went right in the gym and lifted with my legs. 3 leg machines, 2 sets for each; 12 reps. Felt really good. Going to try to lift on Tuesdays and Thursdays!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Another good run today. Temp said 36 degrees, and still blue skies and sunny:) Kept my pace up like yesterday, but today HR didn't go over 148!! Only 1 beat higher than my 70%, and the times were basically the same:) Pace felt great! Felt like I could run forever:)

My splits were as follows:
Mile1= 9:56 AVGHR 137 MAXHR 148
Mile2= 9:51 AVGHR 142 MAXHR 148
Mile3= 9:42 AVGHR 141 MAXHR 148
.1= 1:31 AVGHR 137 MAXHR 139

Majority of the HR stayed in the zone (29:38), below 147.
Only above zzone for 1:10 and below zone for :12 seconds
Very pleased with how my training is going. Man, can't believe two months ago today, I was sitting on my couch and couldn't run 10 feet. Now I'm running 3 miles easily and want to do more. But I won't push it and will build my mileage on the 10% rule.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Great run today! Temp said 39 degrees, but while I was running, with the blue skies and sunny, it started snowing. LOL Applied the new 147 as my 70%. Increased my pace and didn't feel winded at all. It was nice!!
My splits were as follows:
Mile1=10:04 AVGHR 139 MAXHR 150
Mile2=9:52 AVGHR 145 MAXHR 150
Mile3=9:47 AVGHR 144 MAXHR 149
Majority of the HR stayed in the zone (26:12), below 147. But when it did go above, it never went above 150, which is only 73%. So overall, VERY pleased with how todays run went!!!!
Even though I got my numbers wrong for the first 2 months of training, where I was actually training in the 60-65% range, it was all good. As they say, slow and steady, under 70% does the trick. So, now I can enjoy a faster pace, and still be under my 70%. YAY!!!!!!

1 week and 1 day till my 4M race in Central Park. Can't wait to see what my pace will be. I'm aiming to run it at 80-85% HR, so that's as high as 167. Time will tell. Also hoping I'll know my true/real MAX HR after this race:)
Had a nice peaceful awakening this a.m. :) Took my resting HR, and the lowest I saw it was 51. So, I think my numbers are as follows:
Tues = 53
Wed = 53
Thurs = 52
Fri = 51
Sat = 51
So I think my resting HR is 52
Ok, I plugged the numbers in to John Parkers worksheet. I don't have an actual MAX yet, so I just used the formula 205 - 1/2 my age (22) +5 for female
205-22+5= giving me an estimated max of 188
now I subtract my resting HR from this 188-52=136 (my range) now multiply 70% from this,
getting 95.2 then adding the resting HR back in (95.2+52=147.2)
So 147 is my 70% recovery
wow, I was way off, I was using 140. Guess I won't know for sure until March 9th, after the 4M colon cancer race.
Based on the above, my 85% threshold would be:
Taking my estimated max of 188 and subtracting my resting HR (188-52=136*.85 + 52= 167.6
So, 167 is my 85% level, or threshold floor
Well, I woke this morning to snow/rain/sleet and ice. The roads looked very slick, but as I type this the sun is coming out. If the sun melts things so it's not sooo icy Iwill get out there and do my run and apply my new numbers and see how it goes!