Monday, March 24, 2008


41 degrees and blue skies and sunny. Just beautiful out. Spring is here and now the weather is starting to realize it too:)
44:20 minutes
4.07 miles
10:55 pace
371 cals
140 AVG HR 153 MAX HR

splits were as follows:
Mile 1 - 11:19 131 AVG 139 141 MAX
Mile 2 - 10:40 140 AVG 148 149 MAX
Mile 3 - 11:09 145 AVG 152 153 MAX
Mile 4 - 10:31 144 AVG 150 153 MAX
344.1ft - :41
Run felt good. Really seeing improvement in my HR. For most of this run, even with hills, my HR was way below my 70%. I didn't speed up that much, but I know I could have and it would have still stayed under 70%. Training is progressing nicely!!


robison52 said...

You're adapting well to your training and you heart rate reflects that fact! Consistency is the key, keep up the great work!!

Zen Runner said...

Nice splits!