Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Plan for today was 1 mile w/u, then 6x60 hill sprint repeats, walk back down the hill, do 10pushups & 10crunches, (repeat 6x) followed by 1 mile c/d.

Though it was thundering & lightning & pouring out, I did my run outside. When push came to shove, I had no choice, TMs were all being used (I saw as I came from driving my youngest to school), and besides, I had NO CLUE how to do this workout on the TM. So, after whinning about the weather, for about 10min, and realizing that I was running out of time. I had to finish my run by 11:45am at the latest, as I had to take my 8yo to the dentist to get her 3 teeth pulled. The 2nd ones were already in, and the baby teeth wouldn't budge. LOL

So, I sucked it up and ran outside in the monsoon. YEAHHHHHHH and truth be told, it felt amazing:)!!

Contrary to yesterday when my legs felt a tad heavy, not so today at all. Not sure if that was because I had an extra step in my run, since it was pouring w thunder & lightning, or what, but legs really felt awesome today.

I may have run my w/u & c/d a tad too fast @ an 8:55pace, but it was pouring and I wanted to get it done. LOL Again, with each hill sprint my legs felt stronger (last time I tired at the end, not this time), and today I made it to the top with each 60 sec sprint. (Last time by the end I was only making it about 3/4 of the way). I did stop my watch after each hill sprint, as I walked back into my house to do the pu/crunches this time. I completed all the pushups and cruches. Today it just flowed. Felt great.

I followed this workout immediately with the Core Fun6 workout and then Yoga for runners by Karen Fowler.

Strength Core6:
1-Min Planks 2sets
Bicycles 2sets 25
Oblique crunches 2sets of 25
Crunches 1 set of 25
Hip Extensions 1 set of 25
Pushups 1 set of 20

This workout was great. Completed the whole thing. I left no time in between each set. Not sure if this was because I was in a hurry to get to the Dentist with my daughter, or if I'm just getting used to it. But I loved it:)!!!

And then I immediately did Karen Fowler's Yoga for runner's. The 20min workout. Felt great, and am really liking the stretching/flexibility benefits:)!! WooHoo

Just an awesome workout today. Ha, maybe it should rain/thunderstorm all the time... NOT:)!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

My goodness girlie you are certainly rockin the workouts. Seriously, I get tired just reading it. The running part is great but then all the other stuff - wow!!!

I am inspired!!!